Integrity Unit, MPKj has organized an Integrity Program titled "Corruption & Integrity in Government Procurement" on 1 April 2022 via online through Google Meet application. The program was presented by Mr. Johaari bin Ismail, Senior Assistant Superintendent, Community Education Unit, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) State of Selangor and attended by MPKj employees.
This program is one of the integrity strengthening agendas at MPKj. Government procurement is one of the areas that is very vulnerable to corruption, misappropriation and the abuse of power. Officers and staff involved with procurement are always at risk of being involved in this serious crime.
As a result of corruption, the government can suffer a loss of millions of ringgits when the product delivered does not follow the specifications and does not work properly, the price is too high and the quality is low. If it involves construction, the acts of corruption can endanger human life.
In MPKj's efforts to curb this matter are not at punitive actions only. At the same time, MPKj efforts in implements prevention and education for those involved in procurement.
It is hoped that with this program, MPKj officers and staff can be educated, especially those exposed to the risk of corruption and abuse of power when managing government procurement.